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Microsoft Silverlight Fingerprint

Description: This function fingerprints Microsoft Silverlight on the client's device.

Issues: None.

Returns: The version of Microsoft Silverlight installed or N/A if it not installed

Entropy: ~1.8

Output for your computer is:

function fingerprint_silverlight() {
    "use strict";
    var strOnError, objControl, objPlugin, strSilverlightVersion, strOut;

    strOnError = "Error";
    objControl = null;
    objPlugin = null;
    strSilverlightVersion = null;
    strOut = null;

    try {
        try {
            objControl = new ActiveXObject('AgControl.AgControl');
            if (objControl.IsVersionSupported("5.0")) {
                strSilverlightVersion = "5.x";
            } else if (objControl.IsVersionSupported("4.0")) {
                strSilverlightVersion = "4.x";
            } else if (objControl.IsVersionSupported("3.0")) {
                strSilverlightVersion = "3.x";
            } else if (objControl.IsVersionSupported("2.0")) {
                strSilverlightVersion = "2.x";
            } else {
                strSilverlightVersion = "1.x";
            objControl = null;
        } catch (e) {
            objPlugin = navigator.plugins["Silverlight Plug-In"];
            if (objPlugin) {
                if (objPlugin.description === "1.0.30226.2") {
                    strSilverlightVersion = "2.x";
                } else {
                    strSilverlightVersion = parseInt(objPlugin.description[0], 10);
            } else {
                strSilverlightVersion = "N/A";
        strOut = strSilverlightVersion;
        return strOut;
    } catch (err) {
        return strOnError;