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User Agent Fingerprint

Description: This function fingerprints the user-agent and additional features of the browser on the client's device via the navigator.useragent, navigator.platform,navigator.cpuClass, navigator.browserLanguage and ScriptEngineBuildVersion objects and functions.

Issues: Due ease at which users can alter their user-agent via a number of browser add-ons the output should not be taken at face value. Other methods should be used in conjunction with this function to determine its accuracy.

Returns: The user-agent and where applicable the cpu class, the browser language, the script engine build version, and language or N/A for each value that cannot be found.

Entropy: ~11.5 bits

Output for your computer is:

function fingerprint_useragent() {
    "use strict";
    var strSep, strTmp, strUserAgent, strOut;

    strSep = "|";
    strTmp = null;
    strUserAgent = null;
    strOut = null;

    /* navigator.userAgent is supported by all major browsers */
    strUserAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    /* navigator.platform is supported by all major browsers */
    strTmp = strUserAgent + strSep + navigator.platform;
    /* navigator.cpuClass only supported in IE */
    if (navigator.cpuClass) {
        strTmp += strSep + navigator.cpuClass;
    /* navigator.browserLanguage only supported in IE, Safari and Chrome */
    if (navigator.browserLanguage) {
        strTmp += strSep + navigator.browserLanguage;
    } else {
        strTmp += strSep + navigator.language;
    strOut = strTmp;
    return strOut;