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Android Connection Fingerprint

Description: This function fingerprints the cellular and wifi connection information that the client's device is utilizing via the navigator.connection object.

Issues: Only works only with Android devices currently.

Returns: Values may be N/A, UNKNOWN, ETHERNET, WIFI, CELL_2G, CELL_3G, CELL_4G, or NONE.

Entropy: ~2.8

Output for your computer is:

Download this script

function fingerprint_connection() {
    "use strict";
    var strOnError, strConnection, strOut;

    strOnError = "N/A";
    strConnection = null;
    strOut = null;

    try {
		// only on android
        strConnection = navigator.connection.type;
        strOut = strConnection;
    } catch (err) {
		// return N/A if navigator.connection object does not apply to this device
        return strOnError;
    return strOut;