Latest News

September 28, 2013
Open source device fingerprint obfuscation checker released.
September 26, 2013
Updated device fingerprint code released.
January 31, 2010
Cloud encryption product reached general availability.


About some of our projects.

Anti-Fraud E-Commerce API

A low cost anti-fraud system for small to mid-size companies that take payments on the web. Darkwave Technologies is bringing advanced anti-fraud technology to even the smallest web players for the first time.

Threat Feed Analytics

A security threat feed available via an API that aggregates a large number of open-source threat data sets, performs analytics and normalization on them.  Neural networks are being utilized to classify and rate each data point.

Anti-Fraud Patterns

Research and documentation of common anti-fraud solutions into a set of patterns similar to the patterns developers use (See Gang of Four).

Virtual Machine Stacking

Researching and documenting advanced methods to stack guests within a virtual environment. Often capacity is determined by peak utilization which does not take into account Internet sites behaving more like a "wave" through the network rather than static utilization.

Open Source Device Fingerprint Obfuscation Checker

An open source set of functions that allow users to determine if a client is attempting to obfuscate or anonimize their user-agent or javascript/flash based device fingerprints. The system also provides a best guess of the underlying system.

Open Source Device Fingerprinting

An open source set of javascript functions that allow users to fingerprint clients to help with anti-fraud efforts.