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Timezone Fingerprint

Description: This function fingerprints the timezone on the client's device.

Issues: None.

Returns: The the current timezone.

Entropy: ~3.04 bits

Output for your computer is:

function fingerprint_timezone() {
    "use strict";
    var strOnError, dtDate, numOffset, numGMTHours, numOut;

    strOnError = "Error";
    dtDate = null;
    numOffset = null;
    numGMTHours = null;
    numOut = null;

    try {
        dtDate = new Date();
        numOffset = dtDate.getTimezoneOffset();
        numGMTHours = (numOffset / 60) * (-1);
        numOut = numGMTHours;
        return numOut;
    } catch (err) {
        return strOnError;